Monday, 22 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Found Footage
This exercise helped me to consider the different times in a song to cut to different shots / video, this enabled me to create a better video as I was more aware of timing and when it was suitable for the change. It also helped me to consider the links between the lyrics and what was on screen.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Found Footage Video.
During the process of this specific found footage video I found it very difficult to pick a song which I would be able to have one clip running throughout it. However, when I found this clip I automatically knew what song to choose (The Blackout - Children Of The Night). I thought that the clip collaborated 100% with the song as it connoted the children who would be watching the cartoons being caught by others whilst making an attempt of being free from the grasps of childhood.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
When it came to editing our footage
it was quite simple as we only did a 45 second video. However, we did encounter
some difficulties when it came to editing the stills that we took in the sweet
shop as I initially edited them together on Windows Movie Maker, however we
were editing the rest of the footage on an Apple Mac, so the file type was not
compatible so when we had to insert the images onto the mac and had to figure
out how to make the images last 0.1 seconds. We eventually figured it out but
it took a while to do it.
The rest of the editing went fairly
well and we didn’t encounter any other problems. This helped us to finish the
editing in a small amount of time which was our target as we did not have many
shots to edit.

Many have commented on the way that my group handled the production element as we took it seriously, yet we had a laugh whilst doing so. I feel that we took the task seriously and that enabled us to produce a decent preliminary video. We filmed a 6 second section in a sweet shop within Lutterworth. We did this by taking pictures every 0.2 of a second to create a slightly jolted effect with the image as it is a feature which we have all noticed in several music videos and we felt that it would work within ours. We didn't need to take many shots several times as we were all focussed to just get on with filming as we wanted to make sure that we finished it all in a day. However, we made sure that everything was done properly and nothing was rushed.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

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